英国皇家工程院院士James H. Clark来研究院参观交流
作者:    日期:2019-10-29    阅读:


10月21日上午,英国皇家工程院院士James H. Clark受邀来我院参观交流,座谈在408会议室举行。会上,研究院常务副院长于建强James H. Clark教授颁发青岛大学名誉教授聘书。研究院副院长谷正、青岛大学机电工程学院王继荣教授等参加授予仪式。




于建强副院长James H. Clark教授一行的到来表示热烈欢迎,对James H. Clark教授绿色化学方面做出的突出贡献致以敬意。他希望未来James H. Clark教授能指导研究院新材料研发中心的发展,推动绿色化学领域更多成果的研发



James H. Clark教授感谢此次授予的崇高荣誉,表示这是一份光荣,更是一份责任,他将一如既往致力于科学研究利用国外资源和科技成果,为提高研究院人才培养质量和加快研究院成果转化速度贡献自己的智慧与力量。




Professor James H Clark

James Clark is widely recognised as internationally leading in his work on green and sustainable chemistry and its application to biorefineries and waste valorisation. He heads a purpose-built Centre with over 90 postgraduate researchers, academic, and support staff with  on-going collaborations with numerous companies. He co-founded the  spin-out scale-up laboratory, the BDC and the award-winning company Starbons Ltd. His activities are worldwide with significant roles in countries across Europe and Asia and with honours and distinctions from Belgium, China, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, the USA and UK.  He has started and led some of the most important green and sustainable chemistry initiatives in the world in education (e.g. the 1st Masters course in green chemistry), commercialization, networking (he is President and Founder of the Global Green Chemistry Centres network) and publishing (he was the founding editor of the journal Green Chemistry). His current research on getting value from waste, exploiting the chemical potential of biomass and the development of green chemical technologies is internationally leading.